Manifesto of Ideas

Probably42 seeks to encourage the development of new ideas, but society is so interconnected these days that initiatives in one quarter have repercussions in another and there often needs to be a coordinated approach. We feed ideas from Probably42 into a ‘Manifesto of Ideas’ which is a consolidated view of the best ideas. While the Manifesto covers many areas, Artificial Intelligence is becoming so pervasive that it is now a consideration behind every initiative and even the shape of our future society, hence its title: 


A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future 


It is an overview document which is supported by a number of more detailed documents called Considered Proposals which are referenced within it. 

To keep it well focused, the manifesto concentrates on a Top 10 Transformative Strategies to improve society with a number of proposals behind each. An underlying set of Shared Values and Principles aimed at 'the good of all' which we call Principled Pragmatism, provides a backdrop for all decision making.


A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future (Summary Version) 


We have also produced a summary version which is just 5 pages as a strawman input to any of the political parties developing their own Vision and Ambition for the Future.



Shared Values and Principles


The ethos that underlies the manifesto is what we call Principled Pragmatism, which we hope will lead to a new kind of Politics and which is particularly appropriate for an AI Society.


The Top 10 Transformative Strategies put forward in this document are based on an ethos of Principled Pragmatism and on a number of Shared Values and Principles, which are included at the end of the document. They permeate the manifesto and all decision-making, to ensure we run the country for the good of all. They come under the broad headings of:


  • Innovation
  • Individual and National Wellbeing
  • Rights and Responsibilities for organisations as well as individuals
  • Improving Democracy and Government, for the long-term as well as the short-term
  • Outward looking, forward looking and leading by example


It’s our firm belief that adoption of these Strategies would lead to a fairer, more prosperous nation and greater life satisfaction for all as we evolve to an Artificial Intelligence Society.


Your input


We would welcome your input on the Manifesto of Ideas or the Considered Proposals underlying the Manifesto. Do also feel free to pass them on to others.