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Values and Principles for Future UK Society

November 4, 2022
Uploaded by # Probably42 - Category: Considered Proposal - Tags: #principles  #values  #rights  #responsibilities  #ethics  #morals  #ethos  0 1,230 0
This is a Considered Proposal, version 1.0, on the subject of 'Values and Principles for Future UK Society'. It is based on the earlier discussion output of the same name which can be found at Values and Principles for Future Society.

This document largely replaces the discussion document but omits some of the discussion output not considered relevant to the specific proposals. 

It is one of our formative documents in that it provides an insight into Probably42 view of the Values and Principles that society needs to be successful in the future. It also underpins the Values and Principles section of our flagship document: A Manifesto for Society in the AI Future