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NHS Consultation - Making better use of Technology

Nov 30
Uploaded by # Probably42 - Category: Considered Proposal - Tags: #Artificial Intelligence  #AI  #technology  #IT  0 714 0

This is one of three inputs to the changeNHS Consultation. One can input at an organisation level and a personal level. It’s worth a visit to the public area to see the sort of suggestions being made – it's very variable as you’d expect but worth a look: Project: Your ideas for change | Change NHS

We’ve input on the three themes of the Government’s Strategy, namely Preventative Healthcare, Making better use of Technology and Healthcare in the Community. We’ve majored on Preventative Healthcare as this has been a theme of our Manifesto for Society in the AI Future for the last 5 or 6 years. You can see that particular input at NHS Consultation - Preventative Healthcare.

This particular document is on the theme of Making better use of Technology.