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Topic for October 2021 - Social Care

    • 144 posts
    September 28, 2021 11:10 AM BST

    The topic for this month is Social Care which we haven't reviewed for a while. Our previous Considered Proposal on the subject is here: Elderly Social Care, which was updated with minor amendments in February this year.

    Useful background information on the topic is:


    Our proposed Discussion Agenda is:

    • What are our reactions to the Governments announcement about Health and Social Care and the increase in ring-fenced NI Levy and dividend tax rates, to pay for it?
      • Is this an acceptable way to pay for it? What about the other costs?
        • ‘We expect demographic and unit cost pressures will be met through Council Tax, social care precept, and long-term efficiencies’
      • Will it be enough? How can this money best be spent?’ Staff, equipment, building, technology, processes …
      • Is it sensible to prioritise NHS recovery over Social Care in the early years?
      • What do we think of the cap that is being set on individual payments to stop people having to sell their own home? If accommodation is excluded, to what extent does this really change things?
      • It promises social care reform and an integrated care system, what can we glean from the above document and do we agree with it?
    • Are there any omissions, remembering that this covers Social Care generally not just Elderly Social Care? What should the white paper include?
    • Is this in line with our previous ‘Considered Document’ on the subject and in particular the manifesto items (see extract attached on page 2)? Would we alter this in any way?
    • 144 posts
    October 27, 2021 6:23 PM BST

    The discussion output is now available at Social Care - Building Back Better