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Topic for October 2022 - Values and Principles for Society

    • 144 posts
    October 10, 2022 5:53 PM BST

    Agenda – Values and Principles for future UK Society  

    • What should our values and principles for UK society be, to guide our future decision-making and to steer the country in the right direction over the next 20 years? 
    • Analysing events and party positions, including the recent mini-budget, what underlying values and principles do we like and not like?
    • What will be the consequences (good and bad) and possible unintended consequences of the Government’s policies? What does this say about our values and principles?
    • If we were a party what values and principles would we say to the country that we stood for?
    • Building on the Values and Principles in our Manifesto of Ideas, do we still consider these appropriate and what others would we add?
    • Is it time to articulate a set of Values and Principles, Rights and Responsibilities, which reflect the country as a whole and provide a framework for all future politicians?  



    Our document A Manifesto for Society in the AI Future has a set of underlying Values and Principles on its last page. 

    The British Citizenship test also contains some high-level values which are a good backdrop. See Chapter 1: Values and Principles of the UK -> Britishcitizenshiptests.co.uk

    You may also find this useful Difference Between Values and Principles | Definition, Interrelation, Differences (pediaa.com)

    • 144 posts
    October 29, 2022 4:49 PM BST

    The output of the two Probably42 Discussion Groups is now available at

    Values and Principles for Future Society

    However, it has formed the input to and been largely replaced by a Considered Proposal on the subject which is available at Values and Principles for Future UK Society 

    This post was edited by # Probably42 at November 4, 2022 1:43 PM GMT