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Topic for November 2022 - Climate Change and Net-zero

    • 144 posts
    November 21, 2022 5:12 PM GMT

    This discussion coincides with the COP27 conference.

    Our agenda and useful information is included below:


    Climate Change - Agenda


    • What is our impression of the current situation?
    • Who are the biggest climate polluters and what are their targets? Are they meeting those targets?
      • Can we achieve net zero without them?
      • How can we help/incentivise them?
      • Do we need the stick as well as the carrot? Have we got an effective stick?
    • How is the UK doing against its targets? Are the targets good enough?
    • How has the war in Ukraine and the resultant energy impacts changed things for the UK and Globally?
      • Are there additional responses necessary as a result?
    • Where are the scientific solutions in all this?
    • Have we lost the battle to keep global warming to 1.5% above pre-industrial levels? What are the current best projections?
      • What will be the impacts on the basics of life and lifestyles at various levels of global warming?
        • Food and Water - globally and in the UK?
        • Extremes of heat and weather. Droughts and floods. Rising tides and sea levels.
        • Population movements – globally and the impact on the UK and Europe?
      • What more can the UK do?
        • At a business/organisation level
        • At a personal level


    Useful Information

    The Met Office https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/ has an excellent primer on Climate Change covering


    The outcomes of COP26 in Glasgow last year are covered here COP26: Together for our planet | United Nations

    What the UK must do to meet its net zero commitments Climate change report lays out what the UK must do to achieve net zero | Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk)


    Past Output

    Our last discussion on the subject was 2018 but we also discussed it in other meetings and our proposals were summarised in Environment, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 

    • 144 posts
    November 24, 2022 11:18 AM GMT

    The output of this discussion is now available at: Climate Change and Net Zero