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Topic for July 2023 - Party Manifestos

    • 144 posts
    July 13, 2023 4:15 PM BST

    What would we like to see in the next Party Manifestos?


    The context of this discussion is that the parties are clearly into starting to develop their stance and manifestos for the next election. So, what do we think would make a good manifesto for each party?



    How do we see the current state of the nation? What are top of the mind issues and opportunities?

    How are the parties currently placed with respect to one another and with respect to tackling these issues?

    Are Rishi’s 5 pledges the right ones to take us forward? What’s missing?

    Do the parties have a vision and ambition for the future of the country? What do we think these visions are? What is our own vision?

    What do we think the parties should include in their manifestos for each of the long-term and short-term? Should Brexit figure or will that just take us backwards?

    How does our own manifesto of ideas measure up?

    If we were the Probably42 party what top 5 policies would we select from our manifesto to major on?


    Useful information

    Our own short document – 2 pages on party manifestos and what should be in them http://www.probably42.net/documents/2/70/party-manifestos

    Our own manifesto of ideas: A Manifesto for Society in the AI Future - Probably42

    • 144 posts
    August 15, 2023 12:24 PM BST

    The output of this discussion is now available at Party Manifesto Preparation.

    We also subsequently turned those discussions and output from previous discussions into a document titled Invitation to Tender for the role of H.M. Government