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Topic for September 2023 - Longer Healthy Lives

    • 144 posts
    September 27, 2023 11:51 AM BST

    Our topic for discussion this month is:  

    The Implications for Society of Longer Healthy Lives



    Statistical background and useful information sources


    Lifespans v Healthspans

    • Do we want to live longer if we could do so in good health? Would we want to live to 150? What level of good health? What level of medication input?
    • At the moment what is the relationship between increased lifespans and our healthspans? Do we always get a period of ill-health in the last few years? Is there a different relationship for physical health and mental health? What forward path are we currently on?

    Does the Government want us to live longer?

    • Would it benefit the country? Would it benefit the world?
    • What are the implications for Public Spending on Pensions, Social Care, NHS, Jobs and Infrastructure? Are there unintended consequences e.g. larger prison population, should life still mean life?
    • What would be the population, food production, age profile and environment impacts?
    • How would it affect our working lives?
    • What would be the other societal consequences and unintended consequences of gradually increasing healthspans (and as a result lifespans)?
    • What are/should be the Government’s objectives with regard to lifespan and healthspan?
    • Are there any ethical considerations? What about euthanasia?

    What can contribute to increasing healthspans?

    • How do genetics, lifestyle and environment play a part?
    • How does lifestyle play a part? What factors can we control?
      • Healthy eating, regular exercise, mental activity and sufficient sleep.
        More stressful lives, mental well-being.
        What are the roles of stress management; practices like mindfulness and meditation; and social engagement?
        What role do our homes and our local infrastructure play?
    • What is the role of preventative medicine including personalised monitoring and diagnosis? Plus checkups, screening, vaccinations?

    What is the future role of science, technology and innovation?

    • Can we increase healthspans faster than lifespans?
    • Where is aging research leading?
    • Is a period of end of life ill-health inevitable. Do we wear out?
      • What shortens our lives? Can the 10 hallmarks of aging be tackled?
    • Can Senolytic drugs and other clinical trials have a big impact?


    What should we be doing?

    • What is currently going on to promote longer healthy lives? What Government initiatives are there?
    • What interventions should we/Government make?
      • Overhaul of NHS and Social Care? Funding for sports clubs and other facilities. Cycle paths, ULEZ etc.
      • Education on healthy living
      • How can we incent people to adopt a healthier lifestyle? What carrots? What sticks? Should we ‘fat shame’? Should ‘unhealthy’ people have to contribute to their NHS treatment? 
      • Should we gear the tax system to promote healthy living?
        What is the role of employers in keeping us healthy?
    • What should be our/the Government’s goal in all this?



    Government Initiatives - Get Active: a strategy for the future of sport and physical activity - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

    APPG and Business Initiative


    • 144 posts
    September 27, 2023 12:01 PM BST

    The output of this discussion on The Implications for Society of Longer Healthy Lives

    is now available at Longer healthy lives