Discussion Forums » Topic of the Month

Topic for May/June - The Negative Side of the Internet

    • 144 posts
    May 24, 2018 5:56 PM BST

    Our draft Pie and Pint agenda for this month's topic is below.

    Post your thoughts on any aspect or on topics that might be discussed under this heading.


    Agenda - The Negative Side of the Internet

    What are the negative consequences of the internet and subsequent developments e.g. Spam/Fraud/Internet Crime/Social Media Abuse/Fake News etc? Were these foreseeable, or genuinely unforeseeable and unintended consequences.

    What about the more subtle consequences e.g. the impact that the internet has on people. A Areas like short attention span, lack of face-to-face interaction, lack of physical activity etc?

    The big Internet companies (Google, Facebook etc) - are they publishers or just a platform?

    Where should rights and responsibilities lie with respect to what they provide or advertise? Similarly anyone providing a service via the internet? Do they need to be regulated more tightly and, if so, how?

    What should the role of Government be/have been, with respect to this and to any new disruptive technologies.

    Is the response to these problems adequate yet? How can we control internet crime – trojans, scams, pirating? How can we safeguard people, and especially children, from on-line abuse? How should we respond to each of these various problems?

    What should the role of education be?

    Are there any other good uses to which the Internet could be put?


    • 102 posts
    June 14, 2018 11:12 AM BST

    This month's output can be seen at:


    For previous Pie and Pint discussion outputs visit:



    This post was edited by Tony Clack at June 14, 2018 11:18 AM BST