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Probably42 News - November/December 2022


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We’ve finally done something we’ve been meaning to do for a while. We’ve created a 1-page introduction to our manifesto to give everyone the flavour of the transformative ideas in it. It’s an important element of promoting the outputs of Proably42 and trying to gain attention. The document is on the site at: A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future - An Introduction but we’ve also extracted it below, so you can take a look and see what you think of it:

A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future
An Introduction

The Manifesto, and this introduction to it, limits itself to 10 areas of long-term transformative change. Other areas which can be tackled by existing or conventional approaches are omitted.

We can look forward to the future with confidence if we can tip our society onto the right path. The following proposals, drawn from, and indicative of, some 70 such transformative proposals in the Manifesto, are seen as being essential to that. Each selected proposal below is supported by further interlinked ‘action oriented’ proposals and detailed documentation referenced in the Manifesto.

  1. Accelerate innovation and make sure it contributes positively. In particular ensure Artificial Intelligence Deployment is for the good of all; formalise a National Contract for AI Deployment.

  2. Create a Productivity Obsession together with a National Productivity Dividend to ensure every UK citizen always benefits directly from UK success.

  3. Re-balance the roles, rights and responsibilities of business, and incentivise behaviour that benefits society – adopt the 7 principles of Principled Capitalism.

  4. Update the practice of Democracy and Government:

    • Refocus Government objectives by prioritising ‘Governing for all’ Measures of Individual and National Wellbeing in the context of a joint vision for what we want the UK to look like 25 years from now

    • Address the short-termism of Government and improve the quality of our representatives e.g. Create a ‘Chamber of the Future’ focused on the long-term by replacing half the House of Lords

    • Improve accountability with an Annual State of Nation report and other mandatory factual progress reporting

    • Increase public involvement and impact through Digital democracy: introduce Advisory Digital Voting at policy level and a Digital Ideas System, backed up by virtual ID cards. Instigate ‘Majority Plus Voting’ to make everyone’s vote count.

  5. Reform a number of specific media practices which harm our democracy by misleading us, and which exacerbate negativity, confrontation and division.

  6. Tackle the root causes of online and offline harms to individuals and society, while protecting our freedoms. Create a better balance of security, responsibility and freedom.

  7. Re-shape the broken housing market including creating an independent National Housing and Land Management Body with appropriate levers to manage housing long-term and to improve affordability.

  8. Develop a National Land usage plan based on competing land usage requirements and the level of population we can sustain in the future.

  9. Put Health and Social Care on a long-term sustainable footing

    • Introduce a parallel ‘Digital Preventative Medicine’ NHS in partnership with the private sector

    • Prioritise use of building automation technologies across NHS, Social Care, Public Sector, as well as Housing to rapidly increase supply, reduce costs and produce environments with digital considerations, robotics and climate considerations built-in.

    • Accelerate use of technology and robotics in care homes and nursing homes and encourage an ‘Independence Technology’ market allied to the ‘Preventative Medicine NHS’ to extend the ability to remain in one’s own home

  10. Enable ‘Success in Life’ by Transforming Education throughout life by using communication technologies, developing a Work Preparation and Job Availability service; a National Careers Online Guidance service; and a Job Creation service.

Ethos - The ethos that underlies these transformative proposals is one of ‘Principled Pragmatism’. We seek transformative, but pragmatic, solutions to the big issues and opportunities of our time based on a set of Values and Principles, and a Vision aimed at the good of all.



Recent and Forthcoming Discussion


Last month’s discussion topic was Values and Principles for Future Society, we did some further work on this important topic during the month to turn it into one of our ‘Considered Proposals at Values and Principles for Future UK Society. We then took that and used it to update the Values and Principles section in our Manifesto for Society in the AI Future.


This month our topic is Climate Change. Not something we pretend to have any expertise in but an important topic to discuss nevertheless. The agenda is at Topic for November 2022 - Climate Change and Net-zero



Government Information that may interest you


As usual we highlight more examples of information on Parliament activity and outputs which may interest you.




Why not join a Group?

If you’d like to join one of the Probably42 discussion groups held via videoconferencing, just email in response to this newsletter and we’ll send you more details. We very much want a diversity of viewpoints, so you can be sure your views will be welcomed. Remember it’s about relaxed discussion and having an enjoyable time, with hopefully some useful ideas identified.


We also want to encourage face-to-face real world discussion groups, as feeders into the main online discussions. If you’d like to find out more about the one in Berkshire, or if you’d like to see one start in your area, just email in response to this newsletter and we’ll send you details.





We always welcome any feedback, thoughts, ideas or questions about Probably42. Simply reply to this newsletter and you’ll receive a personal reply.


All the best






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