Tony Clack's Documents

  • September 29, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 1,818 0
    This document has been superseded by the 'Considered Proposal'  Artificial Intelligence - Managing the Future. It is retained here as a record of one of the underlying group discussions of that proposal.    ****************..
  • September 11, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 2,611 0
    This is the output from Probably42 Deep Thought on the subject of: The Environment, Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.Please note it has been incorporated and replaced by the 'Considered Document' on the topic:
  • August 28, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 1,810 0
    Bouncing back - The Economy, Incentives & TaxationOutput from Deep Thought Meeting on the topic August 2020.Any ideas in this document have now been incorporated in a more considered document on the subject which also incorporates the output from the..
  • This is the output of discussion group Deep Thought in July 2020.There is a second output on the topic of Education from discussion group Zero Gravity which can be seen at an earl..
  • A Proposal for Tackling the Negative Aspects of the MediaThis is one of our Considered Proposals series of documents. It builds on and replaces the separate discussion documents from Probably42 groups Deep Thought in 2017 and June 2020 and Zero Gravi..
  • Media and those aspects which have negative consequences for society

    June 12, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 2,789 1
    This is the June 2020 output of the Deep Thought Group on the subject of the media and those aspects which have negative consequences for society.It encompasses and replaces the earlier document
  • May 21, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Considered Proposal 0 2,326 0
    This is a discussion paper on a proposal for a Retiree Foundation.  The objective of the Foundation is to release the potential of individuals in later life for their benefit and for the benefit of our society by providing a Retirement Infrastr..
  • This is the first output of the new Probably42 Group Zero Gravity. The first meeting of which took place online with videoconferencing software.  There is another output on the same topic of Elderly Social Care from the Probably42 Deep Thought d..
  • This is the output of Probably42 Group Deep Thought. There is a second output on the same topic from the new online discussion group Zero Gravity at:
  • April 4, 2020
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Considered Proposal 0 3,660 0
    Coronavirus situation as an opportunity for inspiration This document summarises some of the opportunities for the future as a result of both responses to the situation and because of the watershed opportunity it creates for improving the country.&..