Tony Clack's Documents

  • This document puts forward a proposal for a new UK Voting System to overcome the deficiencies of both 'First Past the Post' and 'Proportional Representation'. This version is version 1.9 taking in comments from a number of reviewers to add clarificat..
  • June 10, 2019
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 2,065 0
    This is the Output from ‘Deep Thought’ Pie and Pint Meeting 28, looking at whether we need a UK Moral Code and if so what should it look like.
  • April 16, 2019
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Output 0 2,142 0
    Output from Pie and Pint Meeting 26, looking at ways of measuring progress of Government for the Good of All
  • March 27, 2019
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Superseded 0 4,472 0
    This document has now been superseded by  A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future *****************************************************************This is Version 5.0 November 2020 It comprises: Introduction - 1 p..
  • This document brings together and replaces a number of previous documents around this subject. It now forms the underlying document to the Ideas Manifesto section on this subject. In particular it replaces Improving The Practice of Democracy in the ..
  • February 18, 2019
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Democracy & Decision Making 0 2,043 0
    This document has now been superceded by document: from Pie and Pint Meeting 24 with a focus on solutions.Note this discussion was based on the issue..
  • February 18, 2019
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Democracy & Decision Making 0 2,007 0
    This document has now been superceded by document: Output from Pie and Pint meeting 23, covering current issues with democracy in the UK and potential solu..
  • Now that Theresa May's deal has been voted down, the original proposal to the impasse below becomes even more relevant as a way forward, which could be acceptable to EU, DUP, and the different factions in the UK Parliament as well as the EU. This is ..
  • Output from the follow on meeting on the Brexit Deal on 19th December 2018. Original meeting output at: