Tony Clack's Documents

  • Output from Deep Thought Pie and Pint Meeting 15 covering the topic: Rewarding Business Innovation and the Role of Business in Society
  • This document has now been superseded by the documentA Manifesto for the Artificial Intelligence Societywhich is a summary document supported by a number of Analysis ad Discussion documents reference from within it.   *****************..
  • The reasons we need to ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) contributes to the good of all are covered in the article Beyond a Robot Tax - Deploying AI for the Good of All. A copy of this is included in Appendix A of this document for convenience..
  • Updated version combining earlier and adding more information and proposals about the issues.  The proposition suggests 12 possible strategies for tackling different aspects of the housing crisis, set in the context of 10 goals that ideally nee..
  • July 6, 2018
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Government & Politics 0 1,980 0
    This document has now been superceded by document: from ‘Deep Thought’ Pie and Pint Meeting 14 covering: How should Government (and UK Dem..
  • July 6, 2018
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Superseded 0 2,173 0
    This document has now been superceded by document: A paper written by Tony Clack which was motivated by attending the Oxford University course called Politic..
  • June 14, 2018
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Considered Proposal 0 2,816 0
    The Negative Side of the Internet. Issue 1.4. Last updated February 2021. In the context that in general the Internet is of considerable benefit to society, we take a look at the negative consequences and what might be done to remove or all..
  • May 29, 2018
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Health 0 1,861 0
    This document expands on the summary of ideas in the 21st century manifesto document. 
  • May 29, 2018
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Input 0 2,462 0
    Background information from various sources. Useful input to ideas related to what we want the NHS to be in the long-term.
  • Thoughts and Ideas from the Deep Thought group - Pie and Pint Meeting 12.