Tony Clack's Documents

  • This document has now been replaced by the full manifesto documentThis document is the introduction to a fuller manifesto in process of production. This covers just the Principles and Values which set the context to the specific strategies put f..
  • Summary of output and further analysis from second Pie & Pint Meeting of West Berkshire 1
  • July 4, 2017
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Input 0 2,416 0
    Document produced before meeting to try and scope discussions and generate a few ideas.
  • This document has now been replaced by Issue 3 which can be found at proposition suggests 8 possible strategies for tackling different aspects of the housing crisi..
  • March 2, 2017
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Discussion Input 0 2,511 0
    This document is a response to question on the blog title: March of Intelligent Automation.
  • The March of Intelligent Automation - Embryonic Version

    March 2, 2017
    Uploaded by Tony Clack Category: Science & Technology 0 2,493 0
    There is a potential, rather than actual, issue related to the deployment of advances in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence that is likely to see large numbers of jobs replaced by such automation in a relatively short space of time.If this is not t..