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Topic for June 2021 - Inflation - are you worried yet?

    • 144 posts
    June 22, 2021 3:59 PM BST

    With all the recent headlines about inflation being on the increase we have chosen it as our topic this month. Our draft agenda is:


    • What is good and bad about inflation?
    • What are our price indexes, what do they measure and how relevant are they: RPI, CPI, CPIH, House Price Index?
    • What are the current upward and downward drivers of inflation in the UK and globally?
    • What about house price inflation, now at 10.2% (highest rate since Aug 2007)? What are the short-term and long-term consequences?
    • Inflation has been under control ever since the B of E was given responsibility for managing it and setting interest rates instead of politicians. Is there any reason to change this? Should we emulate this in other areas?
    • Can we avoid a post-pandemic problem of inflation? Is it a ‘this year’ problem or longer-term? Will we see double digit inflation again?
    • Will Government see a bit more inflation as an aid to paying down the Covid debt?
    • What will be the impact on society if we let it get out of control?
    • 144 posts
    June 22, 2021 4:01 PM BST

    The output of our discussion is now available at: Inflation - Should we be worried?