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Topic for December/January - Gambling

    • 144 posts
    December 5, 2017 10:21 AM GMT

    Do you have views about Gambling? What aspects do you think we should be talking about when looking at gambling? We'll use any suggestions to structure the Deep Thought Pie and Pint meeting in January.

    If you want to see previous outputs from Pie and Pint Meetings take a look under the Groups navigation item.


    • 26 posts
    December 5, 2017 4:13 PM GMT

    Some of the topics are, I think:


    1. Is there 'good' and 'bad' gambling. If so, how do we differentiate?

    2. The amount of advertising on television. should it be banned completely or limited in some way?

    3. What, if anything, needs to be done to protect children from gambling?

    4. What would happen to 'good causes' if the lottery were to be banned?

    5. What can be done in general to limit gambling and the amount that people can gamble?

    I'm sure others have more ideas.


    • 24 posts
    December 6, 2017 7:29 AM GMT

    I particularly object to the way gambling is represented on TV adverts

    • watching sport is no fun without a bet
    • betting means you're part of a social group
    • it's a matter of skill not luck
    • it means being 'part of the action'

    and the token 'when the fun stops, stop' to indicate that advertisers take their responsibilities seriously

    I also object to the frequency with which gambling adverts are shown (every commercial break during live sport) and the personalities involved in promoting it. Shame on them.

    We need an approach to gambling akin to that of cigarette smoking, emphasising the dangers and making it a less appealing pastime.

    • 24 posts
    December 7, 2017 2:00 PM GMT

    We also need to draw a distinction between 'pure luck' gambling (fruit machines, lotteries, casinos, bingo etc.) and 'some skill' gambling ( football pools, horse racing, stock market etc.). Also would insurance policies and premium bonds be regarded as gambling? Is there a distinction between gambling and betting (and investing)?  

    • 102 posts
    January 15, 2018 12:36 PM GMT

    The output from the Deep Thought Pie and Pint Discussion Group on the topic of Gambling is now at: http://www.probably42.net/documents/2/25/gambling-pie-and-pint-output

    Does this coincide with your thoughts or anything else that might be considered?