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Topic for May - The Justice System

    • 144 posts
    May 9, 2018 10:32 AM BST

    This is a possible discussion agenda below. You might find it useful as input to your own. 


    Discussion Agenda – The Justice System

    Useful overviews of Criminal and Civil Justice System



    Govt. Policy:

    The legal system must uphold fairness in society: both in business and for individuals. We want to ensure justice for victims of crime and better rehabilitation for criminals, with a reduction in the rate of reoffending.

    The justice system must punish the guilty, protect our liberties and rehabilitate offenders. We will ensure that more criminals make amends to victims and communities for the harm they have caused and help them break the destructive cycle of crime.

    See https://www.gov.uk/government/topics/law-and-the-justice-system


    Possible Topics


    Note that there is a lot below. Don’t suggest we cover everything but use as a checklist to prompt discussion of areas we think very important and/or we have specific ideas to improve.


    Do we agree with the policy statement above?


    Criminal Justice

    Crime and Detection

    What are the root causes of crime?

    How do we tackle these?

    Role of education?

    What crimes aren’t being adequately dealt with?

    e.g. Drugs, Internet Crime, Fraud, Rape, Knife crime, Mental health associated, ……..?

    Policing and Crime detection – how do we improve it? Use of technology

    Deprived areas

    Anti-social behaviour v crime

    Family disputes

    Immigrants and Ethnic minorities


    Evidence and Prosecutions, Pleas and Plea bargaining, Lawyer quality


    Magistrates and Judges – including quality

    Our adversarial system

    Quality and Cost of Lawyers

    Legal system or Justice System?

    Getting off on technicalities

    Time devoted - ?conveyor belt

    Jury system

    Intimidation of Jury/Witnesses


    Conditional discharge, Fine, Community Sentence, Suspended Sentence, Custodial Sentence

    Young offenders

    Alternatives to custodial sentences. Does technology open other possibilities?

    Length of sentences

    Punishment v rehabilitation

    Wrongful convictions



    Overcrowding, Manpower

    Probation and re-offending

    ASBOs, Tagging, Other surveillance, Technology

    High volume offending/Family offending


    Cost of the Criminal Justice System

    Organised Crime


    International Courts – UN etc


    Civil Justice System


    Cost of Justice prohibitive unless rich or poor.

    Cost of Lawyers - access to best lawyers only for rich

    Small claims court

    Internet contracts and the young

    Standardised business contracts/Standardised clauses


    Companies and letter of law e.g. avoiding taxation versus ethical decision making


    This post was edited by # Probably42 at May 9, 2018 10:34 AM BST
    • 102 posts
    May 9, 2018 11:23 AM BST

    The Output of the Deep Thought Group Pie and Pint discussion this month detailing Issues and Ideas can be viewed at 


    If you want to view previous discussion outputs you can see them at:
