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Topic for July 2020 - Education

    • 144 posts
    June 28, 2020 5:06 PM BST

    Our agenda for this months topic is below. 



    • What should the overall goal of education be in our society (a) for society (b) for the individual?

    • Will it need to change in the future?

    • At a more detailed level what would we modify or add to the previously proposed objectives?

    • How relevant/effective is the current education system for:
      • preparing people for ‘Managing Life’
      • preparing people for their Rights and Responsibilities in society?
      • preparing people for the World of Work?

    How can it be made more effective for each of these?

    • What proportion of time should be given to each of: life skills; work skills; academic skills?

    • How do we keep the curiculum relevant to the changing needs of a changing world? How frequently does each element need to be reviewed? 

    • How can we best support in-work learning and the ability to change career?

    • Is there a role for education in retirement?

    This post was edited by # Probably42 at June 28, 2020 5:08 PM BST
    • 1 posts
    July 7, 2020 12:02 PM BST

    Certainly there is a role - indeed many roles- for education in "retirement". Partly because retirement shouldn't (given health and facility) be "retiring". Retirement should give opportunity to discuss the lessons of life with ones' co-retirees and with those younger who have the opportunity to apply (or reject) these lessons. And to stand back and perhaps develop a perspective which wasn't apparent when up to your chest in the swamp. And to review this perspective against that of others from other times and places.

    • 24 posts
    July 12, 2020 7:58 AM BST

    Paul, I couldn't agree more. Probably42 partially fills this role for me together with my other retirement activities, but more could be done to enable discussion of life's lessons with those younger, through schools and places of work. How much impact this would have is open to question, although my grandchildren occasionally take note of what I have to say.  

    • 102 posts
    July 16, 2020 9:10 AM BST

    The output of Probably42 discussion group Deep Thought on the topic of 'Educating for Success in Life' is now available at http://www.probably42.net/documents/2/84/educating-for-success-in-life-output-of-discussion-group-deep-thought.


    • 144 posts
    July 21, 2020 1:06 PM BST

    The outputs on this topic have now been incorporated in a Probably42 Proposal Document.

    You can view this at:  http://www.probably42.net/documents/1/85/educating-for-success-in-life-a-proposal 

    A summary of the ideas in it are included below:

    • Re-think Education in the context of the 21st century
    • Transform ‘Education for Life’ with Communication Technologies
    • Introduce a flexible ‘Success in life’ curriculum to satisfy defined objectives
    • Introduce a ‘Success in Life’ course of study in Tertiary Education
    • Address the Gap in Education from Years 0-3
    • Prioritise Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
    • Remove or reduce tuition fees for ‘shortage subjects’
    • Give the BBC and OU a role in developing a National Online Education Curriculum
    • Make Education access throughout life the norm
    • Create multiple paths into the world of work which are equally attractive
    • Introduce a Lifelong Education Quota
    • Introduce a Work Preparation and Job Service run by employer organisations
    • Introduce a school ‘World of Work’ curriculum
    • Set up a National Careers Online Service
    • Update the roles and training of educators
    • Increase the emphasis on the Science of Education
    • Expand evidence-based assessment of education theory
    • Improve Measurement of Outcomes
    • Re-balance the roles of Educators and Government
    • Reduce or Remove Politics in Education

    This post was edited by # Probably42 at July 21, 2020 1:39 PM BST